Hello Fellow Seagulls!
Thank you for signing up on our Lego Club Interest List! We have received a lot of positive response and excitement for the new Lego Club! Currently, we are waiting for a few loose ends to be tied up by the PTA and the school so we can move forward. The school and PTA have been very supportive of the idea... Lego Club is going to be great! This is so exciting!
Here’s what we can say so far:
Sunset Hill’s Lego Club will include 1) Themed Lego Build Days and the 2) FIRST Lego League Junior Program during different times of the year. The Themed Lego Build Days will operate in the Fall and Spring. And the FIRST Lego League Program will be in the late Fall/Winter. This is only during the school year.
1) The Themed Lego Build Days will be similar to Art Odyssey at Sunset Hills in which each meeting will have a certain theme. For example, we might have a day where we “Build your favorite animal” and another meeting day to “Build the tallest building that can withstand an “earthquake.”” The focus is not only on just Legos and STEM, but also teamwork, leadership, communication, and confidence. The kids will be asked to describe/present their creation to the group. This will involve the standard Lego pieces most of our kids use at home. This is open to K through 5 students.
2) FIRST Lego League Junior is a part of the FIRST series of science, engineering and technology programs, which are active at many other elementary schools in the area, at the local middle schools including Black Mountain Middle School, and Westview and Mt. Carmel High Schools (as part of their robotics clubs). This program involves the Lego Education WeDo 2.0 Kits and the traditional pieces most of us have at home. The program last about 10-12 meetings long and culminates with the presentation of the team’s “Show Me” poster and LEGO model at a regional, non-competitive Expo. Check out the literature and videos about FIRST Lego League Junior here: https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/flljr This is a program for 6 to 10 year olds.
Lego Club meetings will be held on Mondays at the school’s new Innovation Lab, after school, twice a month excluding holidays. They will be 1.5 hours long each session. It is expected that students need to be ready to be engaged while at the club. (Lego Club is parent-run, and parents are not here to substitute for childcare.) If you feel the need to be present at the club to guide your child, you are more than welcome. This is especially recommended for Kindergarten students.)
-Field Trip-
There will be an optional educational Legoland trip at a very reduced price for both students and chaperones. Date and time of this trip TBD. More information can be found here: https://www.legoland.com/california/legoland-california/buy-tickets/schools-and-groups/schools-and-youth-groups/schools-and-teachers/field-trips/
The Lego Club will have reasonable base membership fees that support our ongoing Lego costs and healthy snacks for the kids. Participation in the FIRST Lego League Junior program will involve additional costs associated with new Lego sets needed for that year’s program, registration fees, and workbooks,
Parent involvement is critical to both programs. The FIRST Lego League Junior program, specifically, will require two or more adult coaches per team, who want to have fun and are motivated to guide the team through the program. No special technical experience is required. Coaches workbooks are provided. Check out the 2018 coaches’ workbook… You can do it!: https://www.nerdlebanon.com/uploads/1/2/3/6/123621604/team_meeting_guide-r.pdf
A sign up sheet will come out once we iron out additional details, most importantly funding. Stay posted to your emails.
Legos are not cheap, and each WeDo robotics kit costs $200 for each team of 4 students. The PTA and Foundation are working hard to see how they can support us. Additional in-kind and monetary donations are needed and welcome. In-kind donations should be boxed up, labelled “Lego Club,” and delivered to the school’s office. If you have any experience with grant writing, we need your help! (Email us.) We will also be selling club t-shirts to build spirit and funds!
We have the support of the leadership of our neighboring school Adobe Bluffs’ Lego Club. They are an invaluable resource that have helped us get our club up and running with confidence into this coming year and beyond. Thank you, thank you ABES Lego Club!
We also have the full fledged support of our PTA and the administration of Sunset Hills. Thank you!!
Once more details have been ironed out, we will send out another email. This should be during the summer.
Have a great end of the year!
Sunset Hills Lego Club Team
Casey Chan-Ruthenbeck
Mom of Tevin (grade 3) and Alyssa (K) in the Fall
Liz and Marco Grubert
Parents of Altair (grade 3) and Zak (TK) in the Fall