Sunset Hills Lego Club
Sunset Hills Lego Club is a volunteer-run educational club. The number of students we can accept into the club is dependent on the number of dedicated volunteers we have. All volunteers must comply with school volunteer requirements, including masking when outdoors when working with students. Thank you for your consideration, time and commitment.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Lego Challenge Assistant -
Work with other volunteers to accomplish the following. Check-in and check-out students from the program. Guide students through snack and handwashing. Help guide students through the challenge of the day in an encouraging manner. Promote collaboration and communication. Assist with Lego supplies setup and cleanup. Sessions are held on Mondays from 3:00-4:30pm at Sunset Hills in the Spring from late February to late April (excluding days off from school). All volunteers must comply with school volunteer requirements, including masking when outdoors when working with students. We ask that all volunteers attend at least 5 sessions.
FIRST Lego League Jr. Coach - (Not needed for 2021-2022 School Year)
The mission of the Sunset Hills Lego Club is to bring fun, creativity, collaboration, confidence, and STEAM to students through the power of Legos. A Lego League Jr. Team coach can be a person of any age, teaching others what they know, bringing either technical or non-technical expertise to the team, and providing the opportunity for students to learn directly through experiences.
The job description:
Facilitates meetings and helps team to orchestrate the work
Assists the team in following instructions and guidelines
Support the learning process, while allowing team members to make critical decisions through the building and poster development processes
Desire to work with students 6-11 years of age
Two or more adult coaches will work with teams of 2-6 children, ideally 4. Each coach may work with up to two teams. Each team will receive an Inspire Set (set of Legos for this year's theme), engineering notebooks, and team meeting guides. The team meeting guides provides coaches with a guideline to facilitate meetings with the team. The engineering notebooks are for each student to work out of at each meeting. This makes the program very easy to administer.
Time Committment
Each meeting is 1.5 hours long on Mondays for 8 sessions beginning in late September and ending in early February. It culminates at the Westview High School Expo, where students get the opportunity to showcase their work in a non-competitive manner. Meeting calendar can be found here. There is sufficient time inside the classroom that coaches do not need to spend additional time outside of the classroom with the students. Coaches will need approximately 15 minutes prior to each meeting to read the team meeting guide in preparation for the next meeting's activities.
Most of all, it is FUN! We look forward to having you as one of our coaches!
Additional Positions:​
FIRST Lego League Explore Program Co-Coordinator
Lego Challenge Program Co-Coordinator
Field Trip Coordinator
Lego Inventory Manager
Sunset Hills Lego Club Support Team Member
Sunset Hills Lego Club Chair Assistant
Please email us with your interest at sunsetlegoclub@gmail.com